1 SAMUEL 13:13-14, 1 SAMUEL 15:28, PSALM 78:70-72
Tall, rich and handsome, Saul had both the stature and skill-set to be a good king. And yes, God wanted skills. But more than that, He wanted a pure heart – a heart after His own heart! Saul, at the height of his power, was tested and found wanting. Long before his regime fell, God went headhunting and heart-searching throughout Israel. And one day, in a lonely field by a sheep pen He found a rosy-cheeked shepherd boy, and dropped the kingdom in his heart. And David shepherded them [Israel] with integrity of heart; with skillful hands he led them (Psalm 78:72). A rare combination of character and competence! Abraham Lincoln once said: “Character is like a tree and reputation is like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing…Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test man’s character, give him power.”
  1. For the present leaders of our land to work toward national development
  2. For hidden religious and ethnic cleansing agendas in the minds of some politicians to be exposed and rejected by the masses
  3. For the rising level of unemployment and poverty to be halted
  4. For the promises made by the present government in their election manifesto to be granted to the people, thus easing frustration
  5. For politicians and political groups not to create a violent atmosphere in our nations
  6. For good Christians to be elected into government positions and governing bodies
  1. For the body of Christ to heed the call to prayer and for nationwide intercessory prayer armies to emerge
  2. For the church to see its real purpose in society and reach out to the lost
  3. For believers to be built up by the preaching of sound doctrine
  4. For the level of faith in the hearts of national pastors and believers to increase and to take the nations
  5. For the church to be faithful to take the gospel to the marketplace
  6. For the family prayer alters to be renewed and reestablished
Spend some time in prayer today for pastors, missionaries and ministries in West Africa.