1 SAMUEL 4:1-22
When shouldered rightly by faithful priests, the ark mediated God’s presence and power in any situation. Victory followed victory. Jordan parted, Jericho fell, and so on. So naturally, when disaster struck, Israel’s elders said: No problem, Just bring out the ark! (1 Samuel 4:3 paraphrase). But the presiding priests, Hophni and Phinehas, had dishonored the priesthood, mishandling both wealth and women (1 Samuel 2:22,29). They carried the ark to battle with unclean hands and impure hearts. Israel shouted as at Jericho, so loud it registered on the Richter scale! But Israel was defeated. The priesthood was wiped out. And God withdrew His glory from the nation – Ichabod. God is particular about who carried His anointing and how. He will not be our good luck charm. If we abuse His anointing, He withdraws His glory. Eventually.
  1. For arms dealers and drug dealers to be brought to justice and for addiction stopped
  2. For child prostitution rackets to stop and for pedophiles to be exposed and brought to justice
  3. For all places of ill repute to be closed down
  4. For all indiscriminate and drive-by shootings to be stopped
  1. For every weapon formed against the church to be destroyed
  2. For the church to grow in power and great might
  3. For the Lord to raise up more men and women with a passion for outreach and discipleship in our churches
  4. For all legislation against the propagation of the gospel in our nations to be defeated
  5. For God’s protection on pastors and witnessing Christians during this season of intense persecution in our nations
Spend some time in prayer today for pastors, missionaries and ministries in Foursquare’s MENACA region