1 SAMUEL 16:13, 1 SAMUEL 17:34-37, LUKE 16:10-12
Giant-killers are made, not born. Before ever meeting Goliath, David had already practiced the anointing on a few hungry lions and bears that tried to make lamb chops of his flock. As with Samson, all this was by the Spirit of God. Yet there is a learning process if we are to flow with the Spirit. Anointed or not, we do not become giant-killers overnight. The Spirit does not override our humanity. On the contrary, He redeems it, tests and tunes it to function with every-increasing competence, in rhythm with the Spirit. In the quiet of the night or in the heat of the day, with no one applauding or affirming, David stood his ground in the line of duty. Faithful in little, faithful in much. First a lion, then a bear – and finally the giant. So before you try to move a mountain or part the ocean, you might want to first offer a cup of cold water to a thirsty friend or foe.
  1. For key government leaders to be surrounded by Godly and wise advisors
  2. For the throne of Satan in our nations to be demolished and for Satan to be dethroned
  3. For Jesus Christ to be enthroned as Lord of our nations
  4. For the territorial spirits to be bound in our nations, cities and provinces
  5. For the demonic fortifications around key cities to come down like the walls of Jericho fell
  1. For the fragmentation and individualism among evangelical churches to be eliminated
  2. For the increase of national coordination of ministries and accountability to one another in the body of Christ
  3. For the growth of discipleship of converts and indigenization of the church
  4. For the church to be used as a catalyst for national reconciliation
  5. For the church to experience a prayer revival
  6. For the church to be missional and culturally relevant
Spend some time in prayer today for persecuted Christians in Iraq.