1 SAMUEL 17:17-31
Long after he was anointed king, David was still counting sheep in the desert while his elder brothers fought Israel’s fierce enemy, the Philistines. But he was in for a “promotion”: carrying bread and cheese to the battlefront. From sheep herding to pizza delivery! In God’s kingdom, big doors turn on small hinges. The smallest assignments somehow fit into God’s big plan for the world. David’s pizza errand seemed ordinary, a mundane job – of little significance! But it took him to the threshold of greatness. When David heard Goliath shout his usual defiance, he responded with holy zeal for God’s honor: “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine…?” (v. 26) Enough was enough! Disgrace of Israel and defiance of God’s armies must stop. That day Goliath aroused a mighty giant in a little errand boy. And the rest is history.
  1. For righteous governance
  2. For political stability
  3. For eradication of corruption and violence
  4. For the leaders to deny selfish agendas and lead selflessly
  5. For the Lord to heal our nations of the drug menace
  6. For places of ill repute to be closed down in our nations
  7. For consistency and integrity to prevail in the legislature of our nations
  1. For the Lord to bless the Evangelical Alliance in our nations as it tries to engender fellowship between Christian brethren
  2. For the Lord to bless World Vision as it serves the underprivileged children and peoples
  3. For the Lord would bless all the Christian NGOs in our nations
  4. For an outpouring of God’s Spirit upon the Catholic and mainline churches
  5. For the restoration of Godly fear within the Pentecostal/Charismatic churches
  6. For Holy Spirit-empowered preaching and teaching within the evangelical churches
  7. For God to bless missionaries in the nations
Spend some time in prayer today for pastors, missionaries and ministries in Europe.