1 SAMUEL 17:1-11
A well-armed, imposing enemy paralyzed an entire nation with a weapon more devastating than biological or chemical warfare: fear. All Israel was in shock – dismayed and terrified – by words! (v.11) Behind Goliath’s taunts and threats was a direct attack by the headquarters of hell against Israel’s national sovereignty and national destiny to light up the world. Goliath comes in many shapes and sizes today. His tactics or modus operandi may change, but his aim is always the same: intimidate God’s army to the point of inertia and inaction. Wars and rumors of wars? ISIS and rumors of ISIS? Jesus said: “… see to it that you are not alarmed” (Matthew 24:6). This is not the time to recoil or retreat. This is the time to advance deep into enemy territory with the weapons of faith, hope, and love. This is our best defense in a crisis of fear.
  1. For discipline, good conduct and accountability as our political leaders meet to make policy decisions that affect the peace, security and economies of our nations
  2. For human rights violation to cease across the globe
  3. For the great refugee problem to be settled and for people to be fed and cared for and brought into decent housing with lasting peace and security
  4. For an honest “win-win” atmosphere to prevail in global trade and commerce
  5. For the prevailing culture of suspicion among different ethnic and religious groups across the world to be sorted out and people reconciled
  6. For God to raise up men of Godly vision and wisdom to lead national healing and reconciliation
  7. For the evil agendas and plans of ethnic cleansing and extremist ethno religious nationalism to be exposed and severely judged by the righteous Judge, our Lord Almighty
  1. For the church to continue to minister to physical, spiritual and social needs of the people despite the challenges they face
  2. For all the people to identify their real enemy and prayerfully overcome his tactics (Ephesians 6:11)
  3. For the church to experience and exercise a greater release of spiritual discernment
  4. For mighty release of the demonstration of God’s power on our national pastors
  5. For a conviction and an acknowledgment in the hearts of Christian leaders of the need of a fresh outpouring of God’s Spirit upon them
  6. For divine revelation and unity to be an overcoming church across the nations interdenominationally, realizing that persecution is overcome through spiritual warfare
  7. For the church leaders, pastors and mature believers globally to be passionate about prayer and spiritual warfare
Spend some time in prayer today for pastors, missionaries and ministries in Southeast Asia.