1 SAMUEL 16:1-13
When Samuel arrived to anoint Israel’s greatest king, David wasn’t even on the list. Like Cinderella, he was left at home to do his chores while the big boys dressed up and paraded before the kingmaker. But those who appear most qualified by human standards are often least qualified by God’s standard. God reserves some of His greatest Kingdom assignments for the weak and lowly, those with neither clout nor credential (1 Corinthians 1:26-29). God had David’s number. His time had come. God told Samuel to rise and anoint David, for he was the one. When God calls us, we need not jockey for position. We need not resort to power posturing, manipulation and self-promoting. We should just relax, stay humble. You are chosen. God knows what sheep pen you are tending. He has your number. Your day will come. The Spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power. You will recognize the difference. Others will too.
  1. For a global revival where those in authority acknowledge that Jesus is Lord over their nations
  2. For our national schools and colleges not to be contaminated by bullying and unruly behavior
  3. For thefts, robberies and rape to cease in our nations
  4. For personnel in hospitals to serve patients with great care and concern
  5. For the leaders of our nations not to be led by superstition, occultism and witchcraft in making national policy issues
  6. For the nations of the world to be set free from demonic claims of ownership
  7. For God’s hand of deliverance over nations that publicly acknowledge demon deities as their gods
  1. For believers to be strong disciples of Jesus
  2. For all local churches to experience a Holy Ghost revival
  3. For every church to be enable by God to birth at least one new church before the end of the year.
  4. For our national churches to be set free from suspicions and hurts among denominations, churches and Christian organizations
  5. For God’s blessing and guidance upon all seminaries and Bible colleges that are raising leaders to gather in the end time harvest
  6. For the prayer armies of the church globally to be stirred up and made strong
Spend some time in prayer today for pastors, missionaries and ministries in Southern Africa.